Thursday, June 28, 2007


thanks, mom and dad, for the wonderful send-off party last weekend (and the super-cute postcard invitation)!

it was so enjoyable for mark and i to spend time with both of our families before the big move. aunts, uncles and cousins traveled from as far as indianapolis to see us off - some of whom we hadn't seen since my mom's entire family got together at father's day last year.

saturday afternoon was full of great conversations, laughter and words of encouragement to help carry us through our move. there were a few tears, lots of hugs, and an abundance of love. we have been blessed with wonderful families, and we are going to miss living near them when we move.

audrey, dad malone, burton, leslie, reggie, wylene, josh and mark

(back) tom, dad cruz, vickie, jerry, mark, maria, trisha, mom cruz, jonathan (front) pat, mollie with carlie, jon with abbie, audrey, brena, paul, brandon, daniel

then on sunday morning, we were part of another big event as our praise ensemble at church lead summer worship at covenant harbor bible camp in lake geneva, wisconsin. mark and i have been so blessed to sing with this group and have felt God's hand in our lives through it. although it wasn't really our good-bye at church, it was the last time we'd sing with this group that we'll miss dearly.

jeff, buzz, lynn, randy, mark and audrey

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